Personality is something that all of us have; and each one of us has very different personalities. But, why is our personality different than our siblings, if we grew in the same home? Or why do twins have different personalities? This is why this is a very important topic in the debate. Nature and Nurture both influence personality in many ways. Personalities may vary depending on your parents and their descendants.
People who exhibit similar characteristics will exhibit similar personalities. This is one example of nature affecting personality; another example of nature determining personality is that maybe a grandparent was very friendly and then his son might be an anti-social, but, the grandson has lots of probabilities to have lots of friends because of the grandparent’s genes. Personality is affected by nature, but also by nurture, or environment. One example is me, when I was in elementary I used to be very shy, because all my classmates from first grade to third grade were also very shy. When I entered middle school, I started to hang out with other people who were not shy at all, but, I was still a little bit shy. I repeated the eighth grade and I had all new classmates, but they were all crazy, and since I was surrounded by them, I was no longer shy. “Our personality is all about our environment” (my aunt). I totally agree with my aunts “quote” because if you live with parents that are odd and weird, you will probably be the same; but there are some exceptions, there was one kid I knew last year, he is called Benjamin and is four years old, but, he is very crazy and rebel. The first thing that came to my mind was, “If he is like this, I want to know how his parents are”. Last Saturday I met his dad and mom in a graduation party, and I also met his brother. His mom is very strict, just a little bit more than Benjamin’s dad. His brother is like an angel; he cleans everything and is very tranquil. So, I asked myself, “why is he like this and Benjamin not”, could it be nature or nurture? I personally think that personality is determined by both nature and nurture, but it is mostly influenced by nurture because your personality shapes as you grow and in which environment you grew on. Personality is a very important topic and it is definitely one of the topics discussed in the debate that has the most controversy. Nature or Nurture?
Since the Nature vs. Nurture theory was discovered, a big debate began. The debate discussed various topics. Some of the topics discussed were, homosexuality, personality, creativity, criminal behavior and others. I think all of them are really important and that all of those are caused because of both, Nature and Nurture. Personality is one of the topics that have had lots of controversies, that is why I have chosen it as my topic.